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                        Les 4 valeurs-clé
Souvenir de joies londoniennes, mais pas de nostalgie, n’est-ce pas ?    
News Angleterre
                                                                                                                               When the Convent in Royston was sold in 1998                                                                                                                               the Sisters retained a smaller house on the                                                premises which existed since 1916. This has been enlarged to                                                accommodate 7 Sisters. The move took place on the 30th December                                                2013, and the Sisters were warmly welcomed “back” by the Parish                                                 priest and parishioners, and also by clergy and members of the                                                Anglican and other churches in the area.                                                The Sisters are on very friendly terms with all of these.                                              We succeeded in obtaining excellent helpers – part time employees, who were, and are dedicated to their work, a very friendly relationship exists.               Two of our Sisters have become very involved in Parish Life – Ministers of the Eucharist, Readers at Mass – Visits to the sick and handicapped. We also enjoy very good relationships with our                                                        Catholic School, which is now under the Trusteeship of the                                                      Diocese of Westminster.                                                      We thank God for His Providential care.                                                                     Sister Catherine
©  Soeurs de la Providence et de l’I.C.  2014                                                                Mentions légales
The Royston Stone; rock that gives fame to the city.